
Margot Antonetty

The concept of the piece came to me soon after Margot’s death, as I became acutely aware of how many different people and communities she touched. Margot’s gift for connection and community created a huge circle of loved ones. This installation serves as a symbol of Margot’s life’s work advocating for housing for low-income and homeless neighbors. I came up with this concept because I wanted to give people a chance to literally be a part of a piece honoring our friend. I believe there will be power and healing in coming together to create this memorial art piece. Of course, this piece is very personal to me because of my relationship to Margot and her constant support of my art over the years.

I pitched the idea to Episcopal Community Services (ECS) who are in the process of building San Francisco’s largest senior supportive housing project. Margot was instrumental in the advocacy and design of this important housing project. The team at ECS are excited by the concept and installation and agree it will be a fitting tribute to honor Margot.

The art piece will consist of approximately 160 little steel houses affixed to a large frame. Each house will be identical in size but unique in design and color. They are 3”x3”x1.5”. If you choose to participate, I will send you a house and ask that you put something inside of it such as a memento, a keepsake, a note - anything that you would like that may or may not have a connection to Margot. You will be given time with the house to contemplate what you’d like to put in it. After it is returned to me I will permanently attach it to a large metal frame where it will become part of the finished piece.


The Prototype

“If you choose to participate, I will send you one of the houses to have for a time and contemplate what you’d like to put in it.”


I am humbly asking for your financial help to make this memorial art installation possible. There are many costs involved with getting an art piece of this scale completed and installed, and our goal is to raise $35,000 to cover those costs. If you would like to contribute and help make this project a reality, please consider giving a gift to support the creation and installation of the houses, as shown below.

  • UNDERWRITE A HOUSE by donating $500 or more. I will send you a house and you can put a personal memento inside, or you can choose to have your house honor the individuals that Margot housed.

  • DONATE ANY AMOUNT to support the overall cause.


Thank you so much for supporting this project.


  • Summer to Fall 2021 - Fundraising period

  • October - First set of houses sent out

  • November - Second set of houses sent out

  • January - Last set of houses sent out

  • All houses returned to me by March 2022

  • Spring to Summer 2022 - Installation of art at ESC, 1064 Mission St.

  • Fall 2022 – Celebration of the installation